How the LifeStories project came into being

In 2004, when my father was 78 and it was a year before he died, he sent me the passport of an unknown great aunt. Her name was Grete. I'd never heard of her; she was my grandfather's older sister. In a note he wrote in the passport, he mentioned a second aunt, Else, and also his grandmother, Therese. They all died at the hands of the Nazis. While I knew that my father's Jewish family had fled Czechoslovakia in 1938 to England, these family members had never been mentioned. The revelation started me on a quest to discover who these women were and what had happened to Grete, Else and Therese. 

In 2017 I started studying for my PhD at the University of Hull. Part of my research was interviewing women on their postpartum experiences. The interview style focused on lived experience. It brought rich data to the fore and the process fascinated me.

These two experiences and my interest in understanding people come together in the LifeStories project. Are you interested and would like to talk? Contact me via the form on this website or through email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.          

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If you're interested in reading about my journey into discovering the past, read more on my Bach flower remedy blog.


You translate everything, whether physical, mental or spiritual, into muscular tension.

F.M. Alexander

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