Maternal Self-Care with the Alexander Technique

This research aims to examine how women without previous experience of the Alexander Technique navigate the postpartum with video input on the Technique and then 14 days of practice. Go to research introduction page.

As a research participant, please take a few quiet minutes when you are alone to watch the following videos:

1. A general introduction to the Alexander Technique by August Berger, click here

Viewing time: 9.5 minutes

2. Meet the researcher. Postural instructions*, click here

*based on Cohen, Baer, Ravichandra, Kral, McGowan, & Cacciatore, (2020). Viewing time: 5 minutes

3. Anatomy and effortless breathing

by Eileen Trobeman

Viewing time: 10 minutes (the first 4minutes 20 seconds might be the most helpful)

Constructive rest videos for your daily praxis: the Alexander Technique while lying down

4. Short introduction from the UK Alexander teacher's society

Viewing time: 2 minutes

5. A longer video on constructive rest with Alison Taylor

Viewing time: 12 minutes

If you join the research study, you are asked to regularly practice constructive rest for 14 days. As a participant, further information about gaining the most out of your constructive rest time will be sent by post and be available as a recording online. Please re-read, re-listen (and re-watch the videos) as you feel appropriate during your participation in this study.

Please note: The videos as a self-care package aim to create awareness in viewers of unnecessary tension and that there is a choice (via awareness) to not do that and let the tension go. They do not intend to convey "right" and "wrong".

If you are interested in taking Alexander Technique lessons after completing your participation in this study please visit the website of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique to find a teacher in your area.


If you have any questions or issues about this research, please contact either me, Nicola Hanefeld, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. Tel. 00 49 -151 20 60 43 57 or my supervisor, Dr Lesley Glover, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.


Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change them self.

Leo Tolstoy

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